Originally Posted by Discus Ø
i trying to breed the ram snail now in my shrimp tank. to think i give up my shrimp keeping for my puffer....
Sometimes i prefer to feed snails because snails are not messy food lol once your little puffer gets bigger n you starting feeding ur puffers clams, crayfish n crabs n stuff, you will truly know the meaning of messy
Based on my exp, i think its not advisable to use a filter with a strong output like the fx5 or basically the fluval series which blast the water out unlike a rainbar. This blasting effect basically breaks up the shit of the puffer into small pieces and creates a huge mess which is happening now in my 5 footer zzzz Im now reconsidering a change of filter to the ehiem series...which uses a rainbar
which means a deep hole in my pocket..