I am a poor man who got hooked onto this expensive hobby. 4 years ago got hooked onto Discus then Marine posted to China just when my marine setup was ready after 4 months of preparation. Sold the whole setup costing me $5k for just over $800(tank, MH lights, Chiller, Skimmer, UVC, rocks and Live stocks) came back with intention to start Aro but somehow along the way went into Bettas and now Tigers.... Of cos I'll love to start having ST but it's so rare and expensive,,,, now ended up with ITs and NTT,,,, Cheap thrill,,,, I have a question for all the bros here,,, thought ITs are getting lesser nowadays but just this week alone more than 10 3 bars IT's transacted on this web site alone,,,, 1" Juv as well any bros here got lobangs to get small STs??? Of I expect to pay more,,cos i kenna poison deep deep liao,,,,